About William Carlson
I discovered the field of golf course design when I was around twelve years old, and have since continued to expand my knowledge in every possible way that I can. From hours on Google Earth, to reading the works of the greats, to now visiting various renovation projects I’ve been working to understand this ever complex art form.
To get involved in the field I’ve contacted design firms and met architects including: Jack Nicklaus Design, Gil Hanse, Jim Urbina, Jay Blasi, and David McLay Kidd from whom I’ve gotten guidance and advice. I’ve also been lucky enough to have many course renovation projects occurring in my area which I’ve been able to visit, like Lake Merced (2021-22), The Olympic Club (2022-23), Poppy Ridge (2024 - ongoing) and Pasatiempo (2023-ongoing). At these projects I’ve been able to learn the in’s an outs of building a golf course from design and administration to construction obstacles. With what I’ve learned I’ve gotten involved with courses in my area offering design consultation and advice, which through Carlson Golf Design, I hope to make available to more courses and their golfers.
I am attending Cal Poly San Luis Obispo starting in Fall of 2024, studying Landscape Architecture.